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Superintendent’s Report: The board recognized some amazing members of the school community including the student representatives to the Board of Education, Teachers of the Year, Educational Service Professionals of the Year, and our retirees. Congratulations on your achievements, we are truly proud of these individuals.  

Student Representatives to the Board: Roy Crosbie and Andrew Dalton 

Teacher of the Year: 

Christopher Broadfoot - High School

Rebecca Takacs - Middle School

Jaclyn Fernstaedt - Bartle

Nicole Parham - Irving

Educational ServiceProfessional:

Lori Szentgyorgyi - High School

Gina Young - Middle School

Kimberly Nizoleck - Bartle

Michael Nastus - Irving  


Michael Lassiter - High School

Thomas Sclafani - High School

June Miller - Middle School

Cheryl Gloff - Middle School

Sandra Stratoudakis - Bartle

MaryEllen Squazzo - Accounts Payable, Business Office

Curriculum & Instruction: The board approved field trips, internships, professional development, the district’s three-year District Language Instructional Educational Program (LIEP) plan, and for our High School counseling department to  participate in a pilot program with Edifii. The board approved two new job descriptions for the After School Program, an Assistant Site Manager position which will replace the position of Program Supervisor, and a Middle School After School Coordinator. The board also approved updates to the Accounts Payable/Purchasing Specialist and ASP Site Manager position. The board voted to rescind the Law Enforcement Resolution approved on April 28th.

Finance &  Facilities:  Along with approving the payment of monthly bills, travel expenses, and transfer of unexpended revenue to reserve accounts, the board approved before and after school rates with 0% increase, and breakfast and lunch rates for the 24-25 school year. . The board also approved the purchase and installation of a Pre-K playground at Irving, funded by the state’s Preschool Expansion Aid Grant. 

Personnel & Communication: The board would like to welcome the following new staff to the HPPS family:

Elizabeth Wisniewski - Social Worker, Educational Services

Vanessa Cruz - Speech Language Specialist, Educational Services

Kyle Malinosy  - Teacher of English, High School

Bhupinder Kaur - Teacher of Mathematics, High School

Angelo Odato - Tech Specialist, District