
           As the leaves change to a crisp burnt umber, I fall into the mesmerizing pattern they make as they descend toward the cold pavement. I start to consider the big questions in life—what happens after I die? Is there a true God? Why are all my opinions so much better than everyone else’s? And finally, how do students of Highland Park feel about the holidays? I truly thought of this question, and it was not just because I didn’t have any new ideas for The Fling.

          Coming out hot and spicy, one freshman told me, “Christmas shouldn’t be the way it is.” They went on to explain that Christmas shouldn’t be about giving presents and decorating your house. When asked why, they responded, “It creates waste. It distracts you from work and school.” While I think many people do in fact enjoy the distractions from the chokehold work has on us, on average, a person increases their material waste by 25% during the holiday season. This person concluded their rant by saying what we were all thinking: “Presents are so selfish. You expect a present, but you don’t want to give a present.”

         I only asked for one opinion but this person gave three. They’re like a gift who keeps giving—except not on Christmas. While I can’t refute this fact because I am currently sitting next to a Joe Biden-scented candle that I wanted for Christmas last year in a moment of weakness, I don’t necessarily think it’s a bad thing. I see the holidays as a time of the year where you want things, but in order to get them, you have to get other people things. This world runs on supply and demand, and I’m a conformist.

           Another student divulged that they didn’t much care for the holiday season. When I asked them why not, they said, “All I get for Christmas is things for school.” Poor kid got an SAT prep book for Christmas, while I definitely got brain damage from my Joe Biden candle fumes.

            We’ll close this issue off with one more holiday hooligan who says, “‘All I Want for Christmas is You’ is a good Christmas song.” Well, good sir, let’s consult the polls. It seems as if this controversial caroler wasn’t nearly as contentious as they thought they were.

           Well folks, whatever holiday you celebrate (if you celebrate one at all), let’s be thoughtful of the Earth these upcoming months and try to minimize our litter, as well as our hatred for other human beings. Also, someone remind me to blow out my Biden candle. I will forget.