High school is known more for grades and studying than the arts. There are many clubs that do provide an outlet for creativity, but they don’t entirely accommodate the multitude of artistic talent here at Highland Park High School. Students have passions and interests outside of schoolwork that are just as impressive and deserving of recognition as academic achievement.
There’s no doubt that this school harbors a lot of talented young artists, and one example is Shaun Richardson. Shaun, also known as ShauntheKid, is a musician in 11th grade who recently performed at the homecoming dance in October. Shaun enjoys collaborating with fellow artists and showing his music to family and friends. “What inspires me to pursue music is the fun, creative feeling I get from doing music,” Shaun describes. “I like having a creative outlet where I can express myself emotionally.”
One of Shaun’s recent works is an album titled Take Me Serious. His goal for this album is right in the name. “This was something I worked on to show people that just because my artist name is ShauntheKid, I shouldn’t be viewed as a kid and that I’m doing music because it means something to me.” Shaun usually works on hip-hop and rap music, but with experience, he’s learned not to box himself in. “You can have a genre you mainly work on, but you have to get out of your comfort zone every now and then.” Shaun has made many songs and has more advice for anyone pursuing music. “Never get discouraged. Do not let what others say bother you,” he says. “I also recommend reading and studying music because it makes things a lot easier knowing how things work in the music industry.”
Anyone looking to support Shaun’s music can reach him on his Instagram, @shaunthe_kid.