Outside Highland Pizza. Kai Stevens

After 51 years of serving customers, the future of Highland Pizza is uncertain. This news quickly spread through the community at the sight of the restaurant’s closed down and torn-down sign. For years, Highland Pizza has been a staple hang out spot for students due to its proximity to the high school. When the clock strikes 11:16, students rush outside to grab a slice of pizza. The white cardboard box large enough to fit 2 pizza slices is a common sight inside the school after lunch is over. Ken Holdowski, a member of the HPHS class of 1975 and past editor of The Fling, said that “Highland Pizza was a favorite venue along with Cohen’s Knishes.”

Highland Pizza’s Luigi Romano has been in contact with members of the community and  confirmed that the location will not be reopening due to an increase in rent and the state of the building, which he said didn’t fit the restaurant anymore. Romano said that he has appreciated the business over the years, and he hopes that they will reopen at a new location in town in the future. A student from Highland Park High School expressed, “It was sad to see such a convenient place close down. It was close and pretty cheap compared to other pizza spots in Highland Park.”

However, Romano’s statement may have been premature. Recently, a sign was posted on the still-locked door of the beloved pizza shop saying “Coming Back Soon.” After emails confirming their closing and Google saying that Highland Pizza was “permanently closed,” this came as another surprise. Discussion has resurfaced as to whether the restaurant is closing or just up for renovations, but everyone is more confused than before.

This isn’t the first time that Highland Pizza has gone through significant changes. Despite being open for business for over half a century, the pizza joint has transferred ownership and undergone many other shifts, from menu to pricing updates. The greatest question in the air now is whether this is another bump in the road for Highland Pizza, or whether the Highland Park staple is closed for good.