Ten points to the HP Drama Club! This year's fall play is Puffs by Matt Cox, which follows the story of three wannabe heroes trying to get through their years at the Certain School of Magic and Magic. If you are familiar with the popular franchise surrounding a particular boy wizard, the story may sound familiar. Though, with new characters to follow and old characters to revisit, the show tries to appeal to many.
The choice of Puffs as this year’s fall play following the success of Alice in Wonderland in 2022 accrued some mixed reactions from members of the drama club and beyond. A few committed members of the club have opted out of the show because of its association with J.K. Rowling and her previous transphobic, racist, and sexist remarks.
However, Puffs is not affiliated with the franchise. Director Luke Ferrell comments, “It’s a separate show entirely. It’s based on characters that we know and ideas that Rowling had, but it’s an entirely separate work with a different playwright and very different intentions.” He understands why some students chose to boycott the show, but considers it unfortunate that they made the decision based on misconceptions. After all, none of the money from purchasing the rights to the show nor the revenue generated from ticket sales go to Rowling.
The primary motivation behind the choosing Puffs was to attract a vast and diverse audience to the show. Alice and Wonderland was a success, mainly because it catered towards children and attracted families. The intent of Puffs is to do something similar. Ferrell claims, “It’s for all ages. The adults will have a good time, the kids will know and love the show. So, come see it!”
Puffs performances are December 2 at 7:00 PM and December 3 at 2:00 PM. You can buy your tickets at the door or online at https://hpschools.hometownticketing.com/embed/all. Find more information at hpdrama.net.