HP Fling

Thanks to the passage of the New Voter Empowerment Act, 17-year-olds in New Jersey are now eligible to vote in primary elections if they turn 18 on or before the next general election.

In a primary, voters select which candidate in their political party will represent them in a later election against other parties’ candidates. When the law takes effect in 2026, the Garden State will join the list of 20 states allowing younger voters to have a say in their party’s nominees.

Highland Park High School students have mostly reacted positively to this news. Sophomore Maxwell Fan supports the Act, noting that he doesn’t believe there is a “distinct difference between a 17-year-old and an 18-year-old.” However, several interviewees revealed they did not intend to vote in primary elections in the first place. Given the existing low voter turnout among young people, the impact of the New Voter Empowerment Act remains to be seen.

To learn more about voting in New Jersey, please visit
