Kareena Monel is a sophomore at HPHS and a skilled henna artist. She would describe her art as “playful…and time-consuming.” She grew interested in henna a few years ago, inspired by booths on boardwalks. Eventually, she wanted to try it herself and fell in love. Over the years, she has perfected her technique, and her advice on the matter is to “apply just enough pressure when pinching the cone tip but not too much because you don’t want to waste any. Just enough for there to be results when ready to peel or rub the dried henna.” According to Kareena, henna art is special because it requires a lot of “patience, steady hands, and a reference image so you know how everything will connect with the final product.”
Kareena’s art draws upon her ability to focus on details that will all come together at the end to form a larger pattern. Kareena has always loved art, saying, “I’ve always been a person who likes drawing and painting, so henna is another art to express myself through peaceful things such as flowers, vines, animals, and more.” The medium grants her the time to be calm and experiment with different shapes and patterns. While creating, Kareena likes to listen to music and “get lost in what I’m making.”
Kareena is active in the school community, playing sports in addition to her academics. Unfortunately, her tight schedule prevents her from doing henna as often as she used to, whether for herself or for a client. Despite these challenges, Kareena advises, “Don’t give up on what you're passionate about. It's okay to take a break and back to practicing, and it will work out.”