The CJMUNC 2023 secretariat. Adam Gold
Chigiri-e by event attendees. Varshini Vishnubhotla
Christine Chen Editor-in-Chief Class of 2023
Assassins 2023 coordinator Lydia Lekhal and winner Ernie Botteon. Ernie Botteon
Highland Park High School. Haia Elmoghani
Highland Park Community Food Pantry
Mac Jones and Kai Stevens in Newsies. Fotoplicity
Filmmaker Ang Lee. Nicolas Genin
The ASL alphabet. Isaac Mohlamme.
Survey results on Stop & Shop alternatives
Outside Highland Pizza. Kai Stevens
Adeline Chen
The African American  Literature  course exposes students to classic,  culturally  significant  works, which may include the  great American novel Beloved by  Toni Morrison.
Tee Atwater. Noah Kee Marks
Hot Dogs Survey Pi Chart
Mrs. Stephen on Decades Day
Newsies Poster